Enough Already! Getting into the Drama Free Zone

Feeling like you’ve had enough already is actually a good place to be when it comes to dealing with an alcoholic or problem person in your life. The day that you grow weary of constantly talking about, thinking about, and trying to improve the actions of that individual is the day that you will gain your freedom back and begin to reduce the drama in your life.

When you reach this turning point, you will greet each day knowing you have the chance to choose again. From this new choice point, you will not be erasing any of your previous responses or cleaning up the past. That could feel like an impossible and potentially paralyzing task! Instead of going back and trying to correct yesterday, you are simply going to choose what you want to bring to the NOW. One small, giant step at a time.

Pro athletes are masters at the mental replay and choosing again. When they miss a shot or a point, they immediately map out how they will make the play differently the next time. They are trained and coached to keep writing new moves in their playbook. And to win the sanity game of surviving and thriving in any situation, you are going to do the same.

Think back to a recent conversation or interaction that didn’t go well. Now replay it in your mind making a new choice. Do this 5 times. Create 5 possible different ways you could have played that scene and then write them down. The next time you are confronted with a similar scenario, reach for one of this new responses from your sanity playbook and congratulate yourself for choosing again from a place of power and strength. Goodbye exasperation and hello inspiration!

For more information, visit www.powertoheal.us

Jena Wadsworth